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My opinion about Webkinz

Hi,my name is Sarah. I have 18 Webkinz. I think Webkinz are pretty cool,but there are different things that are also pretty cool! I have many other things that I like to. For example Build-a-bear workshop or read books for example Geronimo Stilton etc...

Strengths of Webkinz
Webkinz are really amusing toys,and that's true! They get kids happy, and it is a really good thing to cheer up a bored kid.But that doesn't mean you can't have any. It's ok to have some webkinz. One strength about webkinz is that it's not just all about playing, they have a section to learn and earn kinzcash at the same time. You first choose an age group then a subject ( math, science etc..) and start answering questions. Another strength is that it teaches kids how to save their money. In webkinz you start with 2000 kinzcash. From there, kids try to save their money for accessories but also use their money to buy food and more important things and then they might use that in the reality.
It helped me with saving my money!

Weakness of Webkinz
When you start to buy a lot of Webkinz an addiction starts. And those addictions can make you forget the other important things. I limited myself to only 20 webkinz max. For example, my friend doesn't talk about anything but webkinz. She has more than 100 webkinz! Now that's what I call an addiction!


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